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Default Files

Here are all the default files that are auto-generated by the plugin

    # The language file to use for the plugin
    # More language files (if available) can be found in the plugins locale folder.
    locale: en_US

    # The chance of finding a custom reward while fishing
    # can be a decimal number.
    reward-chance: 100.0
    # Amount of experience to give the player when they HAVEN'T found a custom reward.
    # "x to y" indicates a range between two numbers.
    # -1 indicates to not reward exp.
    exp-reward: 1 to 6
    # The minimum amount of ticks to wait for a bite. This is before processing lure and other things
    # REQUIRES 1.16+
    min-wait-time: 100
    # The maximum amount of ticks to wait for a bite. This is before processing lure and other things
    # REQUIRES 1.16+
    max-wait-time: 600


# A custom reward that can be caught by fishing.                  #
# This files defines all the options for a specific reward        #
# identified by 'Name'. Change the options here as you like       #
# to make your own reward. To add more than one catchable reward, #
# copy this file and then change the options to your liking.      #
#                                                                 #
# Any queries join our discord at      #

# Placeholders
# {player} : The player's name

# The name or identifier of the reward. Make it something
# relating to what the reward is.
name: "Demo Reward"

# A list of commands to run when this reward is caught.
    - "msg {player} demo"

# List of custom item rewards, leave the list blank
# if you don't want any custom items or remove this section
    # The section for an item
        # Chance out of 100 of getting this reward
        chance: 100
        # The custom display name of the item.
        # If an empty string has no custom name
        item-name: "&a&lMy Custom Sword"
        # The lore of the item. Set to null for no lore
        - "&7Made from CustomFishing!"
        # The amount of this item
        amount: 1
        # The material of the item
        material: DIAMOND_SWORD
        # If has custom model data
        model-data: 0
        # A list of enchants as "ENCHANT:LEVEL". Set to null for no enchants
        - "SHARPNESS:5"
        # If the item appears as glowing like it's enchanted
        glowing: false
        # If the item is unbreakable
        unbreakable: false
        # If to hide flags like unbreakable and enchants
        hide-flags: false

# A list of messages to send the player when this reward is caught.
    - '&7&l(!) &aYou found an awesome sword!'

# A list of messages to broadcast to the server when this reward is caught.
    - '&4&l(!) &c{player} &7found a &c&lLEGENDARY &7reward!'

# Title to send to the player. Leave blank if none.
title: "&a&lYou found a reward"

# Subtitle to send to the player. Leave blank if none.
sub-title: "&7&oFound: Sword"

# The weight (chance) of this reward being found. The higher the weight
# the more likely it is to be caught.
weight: 4.5

# If the player should still receive default minecraft rewards.
# This means fish, enchanted books, enchanted items etc.
# If set to false only the custom reward will be given
vanilla-rewards: false

# The amount of experience to give the player
# as a range, the "x to y" meaning from x to y (inclusive)
# Can just be a singular number
exp-amount: "1 to 6"

# The sound to play when this reward is caught. Leave blank
# for no sound

# Requirements if the player can find this reward
    # Check if the player has a certain permission
        type: permission
        value: ""